Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Kill the TBR Challenge

The 'Kill the TBR' Challenge is hosted by Lindsay over at The Book Vlogger. This is a new challenge and I think it is a fabulous idea! All of us have books sitting on our shelves waiting to be read but we just don't get around to most of them because we are constantly buying new books. So here is the change, the challenge, to start getting those books that have been sitting on our shelves (preferably before 2012) read. Because isn't that the reason why we buy the books in the first place? To read them?

So head on over to Lindsays site and sign up for the challenge. This is going to be a great way to cut down on our TBR piles!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! This is great! I'm so glad to have people doing this with me :D
